Sunday, May 26, 2019

Global Issues 1

Prior to our departure to Ireland, my study abroad class wants us to look into the impact foreign countries(globalization) have on Ireland with of course the United States as our center focus. My first post will be the stereotypes on the American people.

Many Americans, when seen by foreign countries, are judged by the many positive and negative stereotypes that they seem to perceive from some sort of knowledge. It is said in a positive position that we are seen as optimistic and that this is the motivation for the American Dream. We are also said to be very hard working and very generous. The generous part derives from the fact that we Americans, sends out aid and supply to many country that are in need of it. Some negative sterotypes include our obesity, obsession with guns, and our endless hunger for nothing but money. We are also said to be lacking in intelligence and are unaware of culture. Adding on to this negativity train, we are racist and lack care for the environment and think we are the best country in the world. Arriving to Ireland, it would be best to prove what we can, wrong. This will help shed some light in the many darkness of American's stereotype. 

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